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End of Key stage 2 Performance data 2024

Reading               88% expected - (13% Greater Depth) National average was 74%

Writing                 78% expected - (0% Greater Depth) National average was 72%

Maths                  72% expected - (22% Greater Depth) National Average was 73%

GPS                      66% expected - (19% Greater Depth) National Average was 72%


Reading, Writing and Maths combined 69% (National Average 61%)

There are no progress measures this year.

End of Key Stage 2 Performance data 2023

2023 END OF KEYSTAGE 2 DATA (Validated 2023)

Reading               84% expected - (29% Greater Depth) National average was 73%

Writing                 71% expected - (0% Greater Depth) National average was 71%

Maths                  74% expected - (32% Greater Depth) National Average was 73%

GPS                      84% expected - (16% Greater Depth) National Average was 72%


Reading, Writing and Maths combined 58% (National Average 59%)



Reading          +1.7

Writing            -1.7

Maths             +1.0



Performance Data 2022

 End of Key stage 2 data 2022 (1).pdfDownload
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                                            2020 and 2021 END OF KEYSTAGE 2 DATA

Due to School closing on 20th March 2020 for Covid-19 lockdown, and again in January 2021, KS2 SATs were cancelled.

Formal KS1 testing did not take place in either year, and teacher assessments were not formally submitted to the Local Authority either.

The end of Reception teacher assessments were also not formally submitted.

Staff provided the "next teacher" (for Sept 2020 and Sept 2021) with an assessment of where they believed each child to be.

It is our understanding that KS2 and KS1 tests will resume in the Summer term of 2022.

                                       2019 END OF KEYSTAGE 2 DATA


Reading                         91%  expected - (14% Greater Depth) APS 105

Writing                          77% expected - (5% Greater Depth)

Maths                            91% expected - (18% Greater Depth) APS 105

GDS                               82% expected - (14% Greater Depth)

Reading, Writing and Maths combined 73% (National Average was 65%)


Reading                          -0.5

Writing                           -3.0

Maths                             -0.5