Collective Worship
"Living and Learning together in the love of Christ."
Collective Worship provides children with the opportunity to:
● Praise and worship God.
● Reflect the values of the Gospels.
● Plan their own personal contributions to Collective Worship.
● Respond to and participate in the worship offered.
● Develop a community spirit, a common ethos and shared values.
● Consider spiritual and moral issues.
● Celebrate God working within us.
● Understand the need for, and importance of prayer.
There is an active prayer life at St Thomas More for all pupils of all ages.
Children are taught daily prayers and also the prayers and responses of the Mass as appropriate to their age and stage of development.
As pupils progress across the school, children learn a wider range of traditional prayers that they are introduced to at age appropriate times, in line with Diocese expectations. For example, Reception pupils are expected to know how to make the Sign of the Cross, the Our Father and the Hail Mary as well as the daily prayers. By Y6, pupils are learning the Prayer to the Holy Spirit and The Apostles Creed.
Parental support in promoting prayer is very much appreciated.
Prayers which should be known
We use the Ten:Ten Collective Worship program to support our assemblies and the children enjoy the daily prayers service too. The electronic form of the Wednesday Word is sent home via class dojo.
Pupils also use prayer at different times in the liturgical calendar, to reflect upon key events, such as the Stations of the Cross or the Rosary. We are lucky enough to have a dedicated prayer area in our school garden that children are encouraged to use for spontaneous prayer throughout their school life. As part of our weekly celebration of the Catholic Values award the children have the opportunity to take home their class prayer bag to share with their families.
Our Class Prayer Areas
In younger classes the children help their teacher to prepare prayer areas and as they progress through the school they are encouraged to prepare prayer areas themselves reflecting on aspects of the liturgical year.
Ordinary Time
Doors of Hope
We have made 'doors of hope' around our school to celebrate the Jubilee year. We have made our Jubilee promises on them that we will work hard to fulfil during this special year. Here are some of the doors around our school:
Pilgrims of Hope - Jubilee Year launch
On Friday 24th January we began Pope Francis’ Jubilee Year: Pilgrims of Hope. The year was launched in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, by a livestream event led by the Diocesan Education Service. Everyone at St Thomas More joined the livestream to find out about this very special year and to sing and pray together with all of the other schools in the archdiocese.
We found out that Jubilee years only occur every twenty five years, and that during this one we are being asked to share the hope of the Christian faith with others, and renew our own faith through prayer, pilgrimage and charity. During the course of this year our Pupil Parliament and Mini Vinnies will think of ways we can support our global, local and school community through acts of charity and prayer.
More information about the Jubilee - Pilgrims of hope can be found here:
Bambinelli Mass
The children created their own Bambinelli's (baby Jesus') which they then took to church for our December family Mass where they were Blessed by Father Jeremy.
During November, we remember those who have died. Each class writes a list of those we love who have died and special prayers are said for them this month.
As part of the Remembrance Day service the children wrote prayer poppies that were added to our poppy wreath and displayed during our Remembrance Family Mass. Children were invited to wear their uniforms from remembrance parades they were part of over the weekend.
Praying the Rosary
During October, we joined the Mark 10 mission to pray the rosary everyday. We followed the luminous mysteries, the joyful mysteries and the glorious mysteries.
On 18th October, we joined in with one million children praying the rosary for peace and unity in the world.
Harvest Mass
On Thursday 10th October Year 4 led our Harvest thanksgiving Mass. Our school community donated many items of food that were then donated to our local foodbank. Thank you everyone for the very generous donations!
Time to pray
Finding time to pray during our busy day.
All pupils across each phase of school contribute to leading prayer in class, evaluating RE and Catholic Life. They bear witness by living the gospel values that we expect within our school community.
Here are some examples of our children proudly leading Prayer and Liturgy for their classes.
Lent 2024
Lent begins during half term (on Valentines day!). During Lent, each class will virtually join Dan and Emily from One Life music for daily short bursts of prayer and reflection. As we are not in school for the first few days of Lent, they have kindly given us a link so you can join them from home.
Please also find attached a Lenten calendar you may wish to use at home and a link for some lovely Lenten activities you may wish to do as a family.
Year 5 Pilgrimage
On Tuesday 19th September, the Year 5 classes from our Catholic Cluster of schools came together to celebrate Our Lady. Dan and Emily from One Life Music led our retreat at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Hednesford. A wonderful and reflective day was had by all involved.
Family Mass - September 23
Our first Family Mass of the year took place on Saturday 16th September. Father asked the children to come wearing their favourite sports team's shirts. Father Peter enjoyed showing his special shirt at the end of Mass too! The children read beautifully during Mass and enjoyed an ice cream and bouncy castle afterwards to celebrate the start of a new school year.
The Season of Creation
In our Catholic churches and schools we are celebrating the Season of Creation. Each day in class we are praying and singing with Dan and Emily from One Life music and celebrating all of God's creations.
More information about the Season of Creation can be found by following the links below.
The Season of Creation runs from 1 September (World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) to 4 October (the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) each year.
Frank in Year 5 created a beautiful Creation Prayer in class.
Year 6 Leavers Mass - Our Lady of Lourdes, Hednesford
On Tuesday 4th July our fantastic Year 6's joined with the other 4 primary schools in our cluster and our high school, Cardinal Griffin, to celebrate coming to the end of their Primary school journey. We celebrated all of their achievements and successes and look forward to seeing them grow like the 'mustard seed' in the Gospel and go on to 'Set the world on fire.'
After Mass, they enjoyed a picnic and getting to know the other children they will be beginning their high school journeys with. Good luck to you all!
Diocesan Pilgrimage to our Lady of Lourdes
Sunday 2nd July was the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Lourdes in Hednesford. We were delighted to be invited, along with the other Primary schools within our cluster, to lead a decade of the Rosary.
More photos and information about the pilgrimage can b found by following the link:
Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for Us | Birmingham Diocesan Trust (
The Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul
The 29th June is the feast day of St Peter and St Paul and is a holy day of obligation. In celebrating St Peter and St Paul on the same day, we are given a reminder of the variety of types of people who are called to holiness.
Follow the links to find out a little more about these special saints:
St Paul: Paul's Ministry - YouTube
St Peter: God's Story: Peter Preaches - YouTube
In school, KS2 came together to celebrate Mass while KS1 held class liturgies.
St Thomas More Feast Day
The 22nd June is the Feast day of our School's Patron Saint, St Thomas More. All classes learnt about his life and how he became a martyr for his faith.
Here is a link to find out more about him: The Story of Sir Thomas More - YouTube
Quite fittingly the word of the week is: Courage.
Years 3, 4 and 5 came together to celebrate Mass while other year groups wrote prayers of intercession.
We enjoyed a special lunch to celebrate!
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Friday 16th June was the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the most important feast days in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church and is one of the most widely known and well practiced Catholic devotions.
The celebration of the Sacred Heart is associated with the physical heart of Jesus Christ and the wound it received when Jesus was dying on the cross. The heart is seen to symbolise Jesus Christ’s divine love for humanity.
This important feast day was celebrated through class liturgies.
Our Pentecost Prayer Areas
Here are some examples of our prayer areas for Pentecost.
May Procession
On Thursday 25th May we held our annual May Procession. We began with a beautiful Mass led by Year 3 followed by a beautiful May Procession where a statue of our Lay was crowned. Reception class were dressed in their finery to honour Mary and those who had recently received their First Holy Communion were consecrated to our Lady by Sister Norbert who presented them with medals of our Lady to commemorate the event.
Each class had learnt about a Marian feast day in preparation and created work that was displayed in our beautiful prayer garden for all to see. It was wonderful to be joined by many members of our school and parish community.
The Coronation of King Charles III on Saturday 6th May 2023
As part of our Coronation celebrations we prayed and wrote prayers for our new king (see the Gallery page to see how we celebrated this historic event).
The Bishops of England and Wales provided prayers to be said for His Majesty in the days leading up to the Coronation. A copy of the prayer card can be found here:
Here is a link with more information about what a coronation is:
May is the month of Mary
During the month of May, it is traditional to pray the Rosary. In school, the children have been learning about different Marian feasts and praying the rosary in their classes. Here are some links if you wish to do this as a family at home:
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Prayer_family_rosary-glorious-mysteries-assumption.pdf | Download |
One Life Music Easter Retreat
On Friday 22nd April, we all joined Dan and Emily for a virtual Easter retreat. We loved praying, signing and singing together to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.
Stations of the Cross 2023
On Thursday 30th April our school came together to pray the Stations of the Cross.' It was a beautiful reflection with readings and prayers by Year 6 and classes leading us singing hymns.
Our Lent Prayer Areas
Here are some examples of our prayer areas during Lent.
During half term, we began the season of Lent. The children know this as a 'getting ready' season. Prayer cloths and Father Peter's vestments have changed to purple. During Lent, we Pray, Fast and give alms (support charities).
In class we are following the 'Walk with me' Lenten calendars. These can be found in church.
Other calendars you may wish to follow at home as a family are:
the CAFOD family Lent calendar:
The missio calendar (below)
Here is our virtual prayer bag for Lent to share as a family.
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Lent Prayers for families.pdf | Download |
One Life Lent Retreat
On Friday 3rd March, the children enjoyed joining Dan and Emily from One Life music for their virtual Lent Retreat. It has been a lovely opportunity for us to come together virtually, to sing to the Lord and ask for his blessing as we begin our journey through the season of Lent.
On Tuesday evening 14 of our Year 6 children received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Stephen at St Mary & St Thomas More Catholic Church, Cannock. It was a wonderful evening that was celebrated by our Parish Family. We were lucky enough to have Bishop Stephen join us earlier that day to meet the children and discuss what it meant to receive the Holy Spirit and confirm the promises that were made at their Baptism. He was very impressed by them all!
Epiphany blessings
On the Feast of the Epiphany the children had the opportunity to take home a piece of blessed chalk to bless their own homes. During the day, each class blessed their classrooms.
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Blessing your home on the Feast of the Epiphany.pdf | Download |
Thanksgiving for Mrs Powell
At then end of term, we celebrated the retirement of Mrs Powell after 39 1/2 years dedicated service to our school. We held a special Mass of thanksgiving which was attended by many pupils, staff, governors, families and parishioners. Good luck, Mrs Powell!
Our Christmas Prayer Areas
Here are some examples of Christmas Prayer areas around our school.
Advent Travelling Crib
The aims of the Travelling crib were:
- For parents to be supported in developing the Spirituality of their children.
- To bring families together in prayer
- To help parents and families further understand how to lead their children in prayer.
- For the children to understand faith is something to share with each other
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Travelling-Crib.pdf | Download |
Our Advent Prayer Areas
Here are some examples of our prayer areas during Advent.
Bambinelli Sunday
On Sunday 11th December, our families were invited to attend family mass at St Mary & St Thomas More Catholic Church in Cannock. During the Mass, Father Peter blessed the figures of baby Jesus from our home Nativity sets and the wonderful bambinelli's the children had made at school.
Our Advent Prayer Garden
During Advent, we have had the opportunity to pray using our Advent prayer swatches as well as write our own prayers as we prepare for the birth of Jesus.
First Reconciliation
During Advent, our First Holy Communion candidates received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The children were supported by their families who joined us for a short service. Father Peter and Father Jeremy heard the confessions of the children as well as those of children from Years 4-6. We now feel that we are ready in our hearts to welcome Jesus!
Advent Retreat
We joined Dan and Emily from One Life music for their Advent retreat. We loved joining in singing, signing, praying and getting ready to welcome baby Jesus this Christmas.
In November we remember...
...those who have died in conflicts protecting us. We created a prayer poppy wreath which we took to Family Mass for our Remembrance Mass with St Mary's Catholic Primary School.
We created a book of remembrance to remember those close to us who are now in heaven. In our prayer garden, there was the opportunity to write a remembrance poppy and add it to our wall of remembrance.
Some of our Year 6 pupils sold Poppies and other poppy related merchandise during November. We are proud that £236.11 was raised for the British Legion. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this fantastic amount!
Prayer areas during Ordinary Time (Aut 22)
Altar Server Training
Father Peter very kindly came into school to train our new altar servers. We have been learning the names of the objects that will be used during Mass and what they are used for.
The Relics of St Bernadette
During the weekend of 8-9th October the relics of St Bernadette came to Our Lady of Lourdes in Hednesford. Members of our school community were able to visit the relics and join in with special services. In school, classes joined the Livestream event hosted by Archbishop Bernard Longley on 10th October.
Year 5 Retreat with the Cannock Chase Catholic Cluster
Year 5 classes from our local cluster of Catholic school's came together to celebrate Our Lady at Our Lady of Lourdes in Hednesford.
Retreats with Dan and Emily from One Life Music
Everyone enjoyed joining with Dan and Emily to celebrate the beauty of God's creations during Autumn. We gave thanks for the beauty of the season and harvest time.
Examples of Collective Worship across our school
Prayer Areas
Here are some examples of our class prayer areas and shared prayer areas around our school.
Collective Worship
Sign 2 Sing Assembly Thursday 9th February - in support of
raising money for the deaf health charity
Mrs Stanley
Mrs Stanley teaches us how to sign. We love signing, especially in Mass as it enables us to focus on what we are really saying to God when we are singing. We also had our first signing assembly for our parents last Summer. That was a lot of fun.